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Book Scargar Semiologia Medica Cediel (pdf) Rar Download Full Version

Semiologia medica de cediel pdf 4c19e81f1ba4539ab88d984f1ba049ba2923a09e - Semiology of Cediel.pdf Guillermo Cediel is a Mexican physician, psychiatrist, author and lecturer of semiology. He has also been involved in the study of anthropology and the practice of different cultures internationally, especially in Mexico. His books are about social sciences. His most notable work is "El Otro Yo" which was translated into more than 20 languages worldwide with more than 6 million copies sold worldwide. His father died when he was only 10 years old, where after his mother raised him and his brother alone. Guillermo was an intelligent boy so he became the head of his family at an early age. He finished high school at the age of 13 and he also studied piano, cello and singing. Later, Guillermo started to work as a government employee where he had the tasks of painting corpses for autopsies. He was hired by Leopoldo Zambrano's Institute of Artistic Anatomy (anatomical museum) in which he worked as illustrator, painter and choreographer. He later decided to study medicine because it allowed him to access all levels of society. He learned English and Italian by himself and then traveled to Europe to perfect his language skills (he was fluent in Spanish, French, English and Italian). When he returned to Mexico he worked at the General Hospital of Mexico. He also founded the Laboratory of Topographic Museology in which physicians could study anatomy by means of sculptures and pictures. He also helped with dissection and developed an approach and technique for teaching cranial and neurological dissections based on the work of neuroanatomists like Paul Broca. Cediel had more than 70 articles published on topics related to psychiatry, neurology, neuropsychiatry, anthropology, philosophy among other subjects. He published three books in 1909, "La anamnesis", in 1919, "El Otro Yo" and in 1925, with José Gaos, "Semiologia Medica". His most notable work is "El Otro Yo" which was translated into more than 20 languages with more than 6 million copies sold worldwide. He was the author of the book El Otro Yo (1925), which is viewed as his major work. This book deals with the concept of the Self through its development according to different cultures. The book was translated into 15 languages. His second greatest work was La Anamnesis (1909). He also wrote articles for newspapers, magazines and scholarly articles. Cediel's principal research was in the area of anthropology, aesthetics, psychoanalysis and neurology. He is considered one of the fathers of semiology.He died in Mexico City on October 24, 1966 at the age of 86 years old. His name has been added to the list of distinguished doctors, especially to that of Mexicanist physicians, by being awarded Honoris Causa Doctorate degree by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). His name is inscribed at several prestigious Mexican hôpitaux hématologiques. cfa1e77820

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